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Mercury is the last of the five milestones leading up to the public launch of the Internet Computer, when the network will spin out as part of the public internet.
On December 18, 2020, as part of the Mercury milestone, the Internet Computer's Alpha Mainnet was created. The network is hosted on special “node machines” owned and operated by independent parties, and run from independent data centers around the world, that have been placed under the control of the Network Nervous System (NNS). The Internet Computer is now on a relatively short path to a final “Genesis Unlock” decentralization step. This will release ICP governance tokens, and result in the creation of large numbers of new "voting neurons" that control the NNS and thus the entire network. In order for the NNS to trigger Genesis Unlock, numerous technical and operational gates must be passed.
Join the DFINTY Foundation and 100k+ members of the growing Internet Computer ecosystem at the Mercury Genesis Launch Event on May 7 @ 10am PT / 7pm CET.
Internet Computer Mercury Genesis Launch Event
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